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The Art of Happiness

Highly Successful Relationships

Just like a successful business has a vision, Relationships with a Vision, Mission and strategic communication practices, can be highly successful.
 Why Me?
I am a Master NLP Practitioner for over 20 years now, and an accredited Tad James NLP Trainer.  I have been working with individuals, couples and corporate clients to achieve their goals.  I am a qualified Robbins- Madanas Relationship Coach
My obsession is to maximise transformational change.  Improve people’s happiness through communication with respect, purpose and clear outcomes, through coaching, training and speaking

Through strategic coaching and practices, your successful business acumen can be utilised to create a strategic plan and give you measurable results of happiness in your life.
Why Now?
The Australian Institute of Family Studies reports that, since 1990, divorce rates after 20 years of marriage,  have doubled.  This is because couples are  just staying together until the kids grow up.
Now is the time to plan and development your relationship and come with me on a journey of creating a Highly Successful Relationships, and .
Together, with a blank canvas, we will create your Relationship Vision and Mission.  Let's create an action plan that will give you measurable results in your relationship
Let's create YOUR Art of Happiness

Partner Awareness Quiz

Complete the Partner Awareness quiz and start your journey of discovering each other.... again

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